Extended Producer Responsibility: What It Is, What’s Happening, Where We’re Headed

Date: July 13
Time: 1:00 – 2:00 EDT
Location: Zoom

US Conference of Mayors, Municipal Waste Management Association Webinar
Extended Producer Responsibility: What It Is, What’s Happening, Where We’re Headed


Now is the moment for producer responsibility! Join us on July 13th for an insightful conversation with Scott Cassel, CEO and Founder of the Product Stewardship Institute. As a leading expert in the field, Scott will survey the current status of the EPR movement, evaluate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, and discuss how EPR is an emerging tool for policy, the people, and the planet.  During the webinar, we’ll establish the fundamentals of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) policy and its framework, highlight the policy elements that are most important for influencing upstream design for environment, and discuss some of the hottest topics in EPR policy development. Scott will comment on the status of first generation EPR programs in the US such as paint, mattresses, and electronics, and discuss how implementation is evolving and programs are modernizing. He’ll also cover the implementation status of brand-new EPR laws for packaging in Maine, Oregon, Colorado, and California, including how the differences among these laws provide us with the opportunity to explore different approaches and draw lessons for future policy.   

This webinar will lay the foundation for a more in-depth conversation at PSI’s Fall Summit, which will take place in September in Portland, OR. We hope you will join us for both events to learn all you need to know to participate in the development of EPR programs.


Scott Cassel
CEO & Founder, Product Stewardship Institute