EPR Masterclass: Compostable Packaging, Presented by EXPRA and EEQ

Consumers are pushing back against packaging: In a 2022 study, 75%+ of Americans indicated that they would support a single-use plastics ban, and 56% would hold companies responsible for plastic packaging. In response, some companies pivoting from petroleum-based plastics have embraced those made from plants and bio waste, which are known as “compostable” plastics.

Although these materials are rapidly evolving, they do pose challenges. In the United States, there is limited infrastructure to collect and process them; globally, supply chains can compete with food production. Additionally, people often attempt to recycle these “compostable” products, which contaminates recycling streams. Although there are national standards — including ASTM in the United States and EN in Europe (as well as labeling laws in Minnesota, California, Maryland, and Washington State) — governments can find it difficult to enforce what can or cannot be marketed as “compostable.”

On October 27th, PSI gathered a group of experts to discuss the opportunities and challenges of compostable plastics, including achieving clarity on definitions and labeling, addressing materials in packaging EPR laws, how EPR funding can be used to create new infrastructure for compostable plastics, and strategies for best managing these materials in a rapidly evolving industry. The discussion was presented by Éco Enterprises Québec (ÉEQ), a private non-profit organization that represents the companies that place containers, packaging, and printed matter on the market in Québec in their responsibility to finance the costs of effective and efficient municipal curbside recycling services. As an expert, ÉEQ optimizes the curbside recycling value chain and implements innovative approaches with a view to sustainable development and circular economy. In 2021, they published a report on the use and end-of-life impact of compostable and biodegradable plastic packaging and the environmental challenges caused by these. As with all of the webinars in our EPR Masterclass series, it was also presented by the Extended Producer Responsibility Alliance (EXPRA), the authoritative voice and common policy platform representing the interests of 26 packaging and packaging waste recovery and recycling systems from 24 countries in Europe. Speakers included:

Mario Patenaude, Ecodesign and Circular Economy Advisor, EEQ
Joachim Quoden, Managing Director, EXPRA
Marco Rolandi, CSO & Co-Founder, Cruz Foam
Phil Rozenski, Vice President of Public Affairs, Novolex
Alexander Truelove, Legislation & Advocacy Manager, Biodegradable Packaging Institute
Mario Vasari, President, Biorepack

The conversation was moderated by PSI’s CEO and Founder, Scott Cassel.